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Virtual Volunteer Expo 

In August last year, we launched a menu of both live and pre-recorded workshops to help up-skill and assist volunteers with their roles.

From an "Introduction to Sign Language" and "5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing", to "Improving Listening Skills" and relaxing mindfulness meditations, we are confident that our free-to-access workshops will appeal to volunteers from all sectors and locations.


You can find recordings and information from most of our workshops on our OnDemand Page and we're currently looking at lining up some workshops and training for our volunteers sometime this year, so watch this space!

Live workshops were run last year every Tuesday evening at 8pm until the end of December. We will also record each session where possible and publish it on our website for you to dip in and out of. 


Most live workshops will be via Zoom and will be available onDemand.

No upcoming events at the mo...

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